pasta bake

Let’s Make Pasta Bake! Delicious Comfort Food Recipe!

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Read Time:1 Minute, 33 Second

We love pasta bake at our house! Melty cheese, tomato sauce, and ground meat. It’s so simple and yet so delicious. The ingredients are cheap and easy to find. And the best part? There’s no hard and fast rules here. Use what you like and skip what you don’t. Here’s what you will need-

  • Boxed/dry pasta of your choice. We prefer rigatoni because it has the right sauce/meat/pasta ratio. Ziti is a close second. Penne and other smaller pastas will work in a pinch, but it tends to make the final dish a little too pasta-dense. The large openings of rigatoni allow lots of sauce and meat in each bite.
  • Ground meat of your choice. We have both beef and turkey and you know what? We actually prefer turkey now.
  • Tomato sauce of your choice. Pretty much any pasta sauce will work. We have not found any brands that don’t work on some level. Prego traditional tends to be a favorite, along with any regular-flavor store brands as well.
  • Shredded cheese. We use mozzarella because it has a neutral flavor that works with anything Italian-tasting.
  • Minced garlic- optional but preferred to help season the meat.
  • Oregano- optional but preferred to help season the meat.

Here’s the ratios-

  • 1 pound of dry pasta
  • 1 pound raw ground meat
  • 2 24 oz jars of pasta sauce- 1 jar isn’t quite enough once the pasta sucks up the moisture from the sauce. You may be ok with a single larger jar like a 36 oz.
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons of dry chopped oregano

Let’s make Pasta Bake!

  1. Brown the meat
  2. Cook the pasta to just before al dente
  3. Add garlic and oregano
  4. Add the tomato sauce
  5. Put it in a baking dish
  6. Top with cheese
  7. Put in oven with cover for 30 minutes
  8. Uncover after 30 minutes and bake until cheese is starting to brown
  9. Enjoy!
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