fetus development by week

Week 4 of Pregnancy

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Most pregnant women discover their status this week, since its end coincides with the date on which the period should appear.

The most important milestone in this week is the implantation of the embryo in the uterus . Between his sixth and tenth day of life, your baby will literally be half buried in it, beginning to share blood circulation.


The cells of your baby, who is already the size of a small ant, continue to multiply at breakneck speed.

Some cells of the zygote are already forming what will be the placenta, which will nourish and oxygenate your baby throughout the pregnancy and send you its carbon dioxide and waste substances.

At the end of the fourth week in the embryo, a structure called the “prechordal plate” appears, which will give rise to the future mouth of the baby.


At the time of implantation, a small amount of bleeding usually occurs, the so-called implantation bleeding.  There are women who usually have very little menstruation and come to confuse this spotting with a scanty period.

Don’t worry, this bleeding is totally normal. However, if the bleeding is very heavy and lasts more than 3-4 days, see your doctor.

If you usually have a thicker and whiter vaginal discharge before menstruation, you will discover that this month is not like that… on the contrary, it is transparent and fluid.

Breast tension and abdominal symptoms can be confused with typical premenstrual ones.

The famous nausea can make an appearance. Forget the morning part of morning sickness, since in pregnancy, nausea can arise at any time of the day, not just in the morning.

Common symptoms in week 4 of pregnancy

  • implantation bleeding
  • breast tension
  • very fluid vaginal discharge
  • abdominal tension
  • Nausea


As the first weeks are decisive for the correct development of your baby, it is very important that you closely monitor the habits that could cause some damage:

  • Alcohol and tobacco must disappear from your routine
  • Check with your doctor which medications are compatible with pregnancy
  • Indicates the possibility of being pregnant if you must undergo a diagnostic test such as an X-ray

If you already have a positive pregnancy test, do not delay making an appointment with the midwife of your health center or your gynecologist so that they can start monitoring your pregnancy, give you the guidelines to follow and plan the tests to be carried out in the next few days.

In addition, if you are not already taking it, they will tell you which folic acid and supplements you should take to prevent damage to your baby such as spina bifida, cleft lip or congenital hypothyroidism, which causes severe developmental problems.


If you’ve started feeling nauseous, it will help to avoid keeping an empty stomach. Before you get up in the morning, eat something solid and dry, like some toast. It is better that you begin to make several meals throughout the day. You don’t have to eat for 2, you just have to space out the intake you were already making at breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack, dinner and something before bed.


The star test this week is the pregnancy test. It detects the presence in urine of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin or β-hCG.

This hormone can be detected much earlier in the blood, so when in doubt with a urine pregnancy test, they can determine that there is a pregnancy with a blood test.

Urine tests on the market have different sensitivities, ranging from 5 to 20 milliinternational units per milliliter. For example, those with 20mIU/ml need 4 times the concentration of hormone that one with 5mIU/ml would need, that is, it would take longer to test positive if there is a pregnancy.

Although it is early days, the ultrasensitive 5mIU/ml tests can already tell you that you are pregnant if you do it at the end of the fourth week, even days before the missed period.

You can also buy tests that tell you how many weeks you are, but they are often less sensitive than the traditional 2-line tests and it is unlikely that in the third week they will give you a positive result. Always look at how many milli-international units per milliliter they detect, to find out which one is least likely to give you a false negative .

Remember that the mere presence of 2 lines in the test indicates pregnancy, even if the intensity is very clear.

Important– Do this with first morning urine, which is more concentrated and detection of β-hCG will be more likely.


Do you want to know when your due date will be?

You can use Naegele’s rule. Write the date of your last period, not the day you finished it, but the first, when you started bleeding. Now to the day, add 7 and to the month, subtract 3… voila! That’s the day!

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